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Article of prof. Karol Grela group published in Green Chemistry (2023)

A. Sytniczuk, M. Milewski, M. Dąbrowski, K. Grela, A. Kajetanowicz
“Schrock molybdenum alkylidene catalyst enables selective formation of macrocyclic unsaturated lactones by ring-closing metathesis at high-concentration.”  Green Chemistry (2023)

Full article: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/gc/d2gc02988j

New method to made a valuable fragrances—macrocyclic musk at high concentration using very selective reactive distillation _in vacuo_ was published.

The image shows Goddess Kinnari—a celestial musician making the playful dragon- lke creatures (substrate molecules) to take a cyclic form and fly to the sky (reactive distillation).