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Call for the 4EU+ Student Ambassador programme

Strengthening international integration, learning about other cultures and working styles orcommunicating your perspective to decision-makers- students and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw can have their influence on the policy-making and functioning of the 4EU+ Alliance. Applications for the Student Ambassador programme can be sent in until the end of November.

The 4EU+ Alliance is one of the UW’s strategic initiatives. It is formed by European research universities: University of Warsaw, Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva, and University of Milan. The cooperation concerns development of common educational frameworks and innovative teaching offer, conduct of research by interuniversity, multidisciplinary research teams, initiatives related to innovation, technology transfer, and social responsibility of universities.

Development opportunities

The 4EU+ Alliance has announced a call for applications for the Student Ambassador programme, where students and doctoral candidates will be able to influence development and strategy of the Alliance, as well as gain experience in international cooperation.

Two students or doctoral candidates from each member university may become 4EU+ ambassadors. Their tasks will include:

  • creating content for the Alliance’s social media
  • organising promotional events and competitions
  • mediating between students and the Alliance’s organisational units
  • representing the Alliance at meetings in academic communities

Any student or doctoral candidate can apply to the programme, regardless of their field of study. The requirements are communication skills, fluency in English, as well as the status of a student or a doctoral candidate (at least until June 2024).

Student ambassadors will have the opportunity to develop their skills by participating in training courses in the field of media production or public speaking, establishing international cooperation, exchanging intercultural experiences and taking trips abroad.

The participation in the programme will be certified. The involvement is voluntary. The exact scope of the cooperation will be determined individually, depending on the needs, interests and competences of the programme participants.

Detailed information on the application and required documents can be found on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>

UW students and doctoral candidates can submit their applications until the end of November at: communication(at)4euplus.eu.